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Juniors Round Up: 2022 Final Round 18

October 3, 2022

Around the Grounds

It was nervous times for the final round of the Season after some showers on Friday, but it cleared up early and it was perfect weather for the remainder of the weekend.  The U6s & U7s were on Field 1, whilst the U8s & U9s were the only other games at Westside on Field 2 – the rest of our teams were on the road for their last game.

A massive thanks to all the team Coaches and Managers for this season! The generous time and constant effort put into training sessions and game day is appreciated by all!

Another big thanks to DoC Greg for all his time put into providing Coaches with guidance and intensive skill-based training sessions for our kids!

Thank you to all the parents who have volunteered their time to the Club this Season. Whether it be for Arana Leagues Club raffles, Bunnings BBQ fundraisers, game day BBQs, field setups & pack aways, and our end-of-season bake stall & sales – none of this would happen without your help and the Club greatly appreciates your time. We wouldn’t be the Club we are today without your help!

U6 Tigers

What a way to finish!! It was a great game full of fantastic defensive efforts, passing, team work, goals (including a first goal to James!!) and a couple of impressive slide kicks for the Tigers.

This team has improved in leaps and bounds over the season in their skills and teamwork. Most importantly is the fabulous display of mateship and fun that this group has displayed week after week all season.

Everyone earned their voucher this week and followed it up with an awesome time at presentation day on Sunday all enjoying a trophy and special congratulations to Toby getting the Most Improved and Charlie and Liam getting the Team Spirit award.

Looking forward to seeing you all again next season!!

U7 Geckos

The Gecko’s final game was against Mitchie’s Hobart team. Hobart was a strong team who worked well together and proved just a touch better at converting goals. That said – our Gecko’s played super well, showing off some great teamwork and some cracker goals.

Everyone celebrated a great season and all players were awarded for all showing up each week and putting in consistent effort.

Extra thanks to Coach Matt and Assistant Coach Steve for working so hard with our boys! It is amazing to see the progress they have made this year.

U7 Goannas

The Goannas came out half asleep for their last game.. quickly did they wake when Mitchie started to score some goals.

The Goannas’ defence was their saving grace from getting slaughtered today. Final score was 4 – 1 with Mitchie getting the win.

The whole team got Player of the Day awards this week for their improvement throughout the season! Well done Goannas!

U8 Hornets

The Hornets found themselves playing the 10:30am game at Westside after Brisbane City closed their grounds on Friday afternoon and we were able to organise City to make the trip across town to Westside for their home game.

The previous match saw City display some great teamwork and skills to easily account for the Hornets in a 3-nil win, so we were prepared for another tough match.

Mika unfortunately was sick and could not make the game,  with the Hornets starting the match with no substitutes until Archie & Harper arrived sometime through the first half to provide assistance to the team and give our players are break.

Fitzy, Ned and Cooper did lots of running through the middle and up-front, whilst Patty dropped back to help Ed and Attis in defence.

Jasper put his hand up for the first half in goals and found himself being peppered with shots on numerous occasions by the City attack.

City scored a number of nicely worked goals in the first half, with Fitzy able to get 1 back and go into the halftime break 5-1 down.

Patty made the unfortunate mistake of demolishing a Powerade quickly after all his running in the first half, and whilst he took the keeper jersey in the second half, found himself out of the back of the goals feeling unwell and requiring a substitute keeper to take his place to start the second half. Back to 1 sub for the first 5 mins.

The Hornets fought back in the second half and scored 2 goals through Lily and Ruby (super subs from the Brumbies) and the final score finished 6-3.

Everyone in the team received a Player of the Day award this week from both Hungry Jacks and Zarraffas. It was a successful season and the boys improved with both personal skills and teamwork skills as the season progressed which was nice to see. A big thanks to Ty for managing the Hornets team this season. We hope to see everyone back next season!

U9 Brumbies

What an end to the season for the Brumbies!

The girls played an amazing game showing off so many of the skills they’ve learned throughout the season. The girls scored 2 awesome goals set up well by lots of passing.

The Brumbies made all parents and Coaches super proud this weekend with their teamwork and passing.

Lucy and Ruby had an awesome game both playing keeper. Ruby had a very slow first half and Lucy did some awesome saves in the second half.

The Brumbies had an awesome first season together and the coaches are super proud of how hard they worked!

U10 Wolves

The Wolves were away for the final game of the season up against Grange Thistle Halkirk. As mentioned in the previous match reports, the team’s end of season target was to score 100 goals or more. Coming into the match, the Wolves were sitting on 92 goals. In the previous encounter with Grange the Wolves came away with a 8 – 0 win. Therefore, we knew that it would be possible, but a close call most likely.

During practice sessions, we were focussing exclusively on all-out attack tactics and formations and planned on the day to be set up with an attack-heavy formation. For the first time having 2 players in central attacking positions supported by 2 wingers. Leaving only 2 at the back, supported by one defensive midfield position.

The grounds at the Grange were packed, there was very little room for warm-up. The boys were there early and we managed to carve out some space to do the dynamic warm-ups, dribbling and a quick 1 v 1 / 2 v 1 game.

Going into the match the boys were in a buoyant mood, fully focused on scoring goals. Right from the kick-off, the Wolves dominated, scoring 3 goals in the first 5 minutes. There was a bit of a lull before they kicked into full speed again. Eli in particular was carving up the defence with awesome dribbling skills. The first half ended 7 – 0 up, with goals from Eli (4), Jack (2) and Finn (1), leaving us 1 short of the target.

We’d promised as a team that if we scored enough goals in the first half, we would rotate positions to allow other players to get on the score sheet and potentially claim the 100th goal. Landon came out of goal, replaced by Eli for the first 10 minutes, and was placed into the central attack supported by Fraser, Erez, Alex, James and George.

It was an intense first 10 mins, as the Wolves continued to pepper the opposition box with multiple opportunities to claim the 100th goal. The ball just wouldn’t go in – Jack hit the crossbar, Fraser had multiple solid strikes just wide of the goal and Landon narrowly missed the target.

As the tension grew, Eli was pulled out of goal and replaced by Fraser. It didn’t take him long to make an impact, taking the ball from outside the edge of the box, leaving defenders on the floor and slotting the ball into the bottom corner to get the 100th goal of the season!

Once the tension was lifted the goals started flowing again, George making a brilliant strike from outside the box right into the bottom corner. Teo also getting on the score sheet. It ended up 12 – 0, Eli (7), Jack (2), Finn (1), Teo (1), George (1).

The Wolves finished on 104 goals! Eli took out the Player of the Day award with special mentions going to Noah for preventing nearly all counter-attacking opportunities.

It was a great team performance and an ideal way to finish the Wolves’ most successful season to date. Mentions have to go to James, Fraser, Maxi, Landon and Noah for great overall defending. Alex, Erez, and George for providing a great attacking presence in midfield as usual. Dexter, Teo and Jack for great wing play and overall shooting skills. Not to mention Eli and Finn who have been tremendous at scoring this season.

Looking forward to seeing what we can do next season in a higher division. Thanks to the support from all the parents on the day, it made for a great atmosphere.

U12 Warriors

The last game of the season saw our Warriors take on North Star away in a fixture we had won at home, but unfortunately, we had a 4-3 loss in a cracker of a game.

Sam P scored a hat trick of 3 absolute bangers including a top bin from outside the box, one from the halfway line and one off a direct corner kick!

Overall, a really good game from our team who on another day would’ve won that game!

A massive thank you to the effort from our Warriors throughout the season for always working hard and to the families for always supporting us, especially Marnie whose work behind the scenes never goes unnoticed and it is never possible without her!

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