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Juniors Round Up: 2024 Round 7

June 11, 2024

Around the Grounds

The rain was gone but the Winter winds came early for Round 7 games! Whilst it was a little chilly early, once the sun was out, it was great football weather and the kid’s enjoyed their time on the pitch throughout the day down at Westside. There was plenty of great football on display with some amazing goals!

U7 Tigers

The U7 Tigers had a cracker of a game on Saturday. The boys showed that their practice in training focusing on passing, calling for the ball and being first to the ball was really paying off. The boys were doing a great job of cheering on their teammates from the sideline.

U7 Lions

We played the Westside Grovely Cheetahs this week and what a game!

The Lions wore green, to make sure we knew who were Lions and who were Cheetahs, but there was still a little bit of confusion with passes made direct to the Cheetahs in the first half.

As their name states, the Cheetahs were fast on their feet and quick to score the first goals. Once the Lions settled in, they were able to keep up and there was a roar when Victor kicked our first goal.

It was an exciting game. Both teams kept going strongly. Xander and Clara were running, Bob and Ethan tackling, Milo and Byron intercepting passes and

Victor bringing the ball down the field and scored another goal. Ethan attempted a long shot for goal, the crowd watched closely as it only barely missed the goal.

It was a wonderful atmosphere and a fun game to watch and play!

Player of the Day awards this week went to Victor and Bob.

U8 Goannas

The U8 Westside Goannas faced off against the Bardon Whispering Vipers in Game 7 of their season. With the support of their Gecko friends, Jahlee and Henry, the Goannas geared up for another exciting match.

Despite battling illness, Henry soldiered on, whilst Jahlee displayed great agility with his lightning-fast sprints down the field’s length. Lachie played a stellar game of football and all three were awarded players of the match. The team should all be extremely proud of themselves for the fantastic effort and skill shown throughout the match.

Both teams demonstrated great skill from the opening whistle, making for an exciting and nail-biting match. The Goannas, led by Coach Joe, demonstrated that practice makes progress by consistently calling and passing to each other.

Elliott, Lachie H., and Eckard scored three goals for the Goannas, plus an own goal added to their tally, putting them ahead 4-2.

U8 Chameleons

This week’s match up was against the Bardon Eagles and a great match up it was.  The game was back and forth and kept all the spectators on their toes.  One of the strengths of the Chameleons is their desire to gain possession of the ball and to move it forward. They have grown in their ability to be in the right position and make connecting passes for goal kicks.  This game showed how much they have improved with creating space on those set pieces.  They also showed immense teamwork as they worked together to form a wall to prevent a shot on goal.  The team is continuing to develop their structure on the field and looking for opportunities to pass.

The first half was a close one as Elijah managed a goal and Bardon responded in kind, with a half-time score of 1-1.  Bardon got the next goal, but then the Chameleons responded with another goal by Elijah. Bardon came close to scoring a few more times throughout the game, but Lulu (1st half) and Isabella (2nd half) had great hands on the ball and prevented further goals.  The game ended with a 2-2 draw.

The players of the match were awarded to:

Isabella, for her quick footwork, ability to dribble around defenders, good instincts on the field and in the goal, and moving the ball quickly to gain advantage.

Lulu, for her positioning off the ball and creating great passing opportunities, for her voice on the field, and her ability to be fully present in the game and willing to give 100%.

U9 Bees

After a loss to the UQFC Angels earlier in the season, today’s match was a great illustration of how much we’ve improved and developed as a team.

In the first half, the game was tightly fought between both teams and very evenly matched. With Parker in goal, Adam and Austin were persistent in defence and Jimmy, Aureus and Henry impressive in their attempts to get the ball down the midfield through some robust defence from the Angels. There were few attempts on goal in the first half from either team with a shot on target by Oskar being saved by the Angel’s goalkeeper.

Oskar headed into goal in the second half and had an early save, before, down the other end of the pitch, Parker had an attempt on goal saved. Theo was tireless in chasing down the ball and applied a lot of pressure in front of goal before, seemingly out of the blue, Tommy shot the ball into the top corner, scoring the first goal of the match. He followed up with another shot on target shortly after that which was saved just before the final whistle blew.

Austin and Jimmy were players of the match, both for the effort they put in in today’s match and for the improvement in their play generally over the past few weeks. Congratulations Bees!

U10 Raptors

Raptors returned to their winning ways this week with a huge win over Narangba U10 Eagles. The first half started well with Beau disrupting play in the middle of the park and forcing a number of turnovers, as the Eagles showed themselves to be quality opposition able to move the ball around well. They capitalised on this with a well worked play producing a cross that left keeper Will stranded to open the scoring. Buoyed by their goal, the Eagles were strong in the midfield and kept the Raptors pinned in their own half, although strong work from Byron and Magnus helped us break out and attack on a number of occasions, and Max calmly shut down waves of Eagle attacks and moved us into attacking phases. Raptors, Leo and Will A in particular, dug deep to defend out the half, and with some solid glove work from Will T, they kept the score at 1-0.

The second half began similarly, but Raptors started to look more cohesive. Toby was finally able to break through the Eagles line and equalise with a smart finish to beat the keeper. This energised both sides, as Narangba pulled ahead again to make it 2-1. With less than 10 to go, Raptors continued to pile on pressure with Magnus unleashing several missiles from range that went only just wide. Sustained pressure in the middle allowed Toby to cut through again to slot home with his left to equalise at 2-2. Raptors were energised and cohesive, with some epic defensive work from Paddy and Leo playing productively forwards, Jax with some smart passing and play on the right wing, and high pressing from Sonny and Byron. With stoppage time running out, a lovely low cross found a lunging Sonny who connected enough to find the net, and the Raptors deservedly celebrated a strong come from behind win! 3-2 the final score, Raptors parents turning blue breathed a sigh of relief.

U10 Falcons

This week we were at home against the Moggill Gunners – a currently undefeated team in the competition.

Although the final result was a 3-2 defeat – What a game!!! Each player put in 110%, resulting in a great game of football. They really controlled possession for most of it and fought until the end!

This weeks Player of the Match went to Archie because he stuck hard in position and saved countless goals in defense. Our two goals were scored by Declan and Ellis.

A fabulous effort by all the boys.

U10 Vultures

A fast, physical showdown between the Vultures and the Taringa Vipers ended in a 0-2 defeat.

Archer’s run on the right wing displayed agility and skill, while Harry’s presence in the midfield was notable with three solid attempts on goal.

Sam P’s precise cutback from the corner into the box set up some great opportunities for the team.

Despite conceding two goals, Ben delivered some outstanding saves throughout the match, including two impressive stops that kept the Vultures in contention.

Max’s exceptional performance in goal during the second half ensured the Vultures remained resilient defensively. Leo’s tireless efforts were evident as he covered every inch of the field, playing the full game with unflagging energy.

Owen’s disciplined positioning in the second half bolstered the team’s defensive line, while Billy’s dynamic runs on the right wing added momentum to the Vultures’ attacks.

Samuel’s steadfast defending thwarted numerous Vipers’ advances and Jackson’s commanding presence in the centre back position proved pivotal.

Despite facing bigger, aggressive players, the Vultures held their ground with exemplary sportsmanship.

Owen and Billy’s exceptional performances earned them the Coach’s Awards.

While the scoreboard may not have reflected the Vultures’ efforts, it’s fantastic to see their improved game strategy and cohesion as a team.

Well done, Vultures!

U11 Dingoes

The U11 Dingoes put on a cracking display at home this week, to take away another win, this time against Bardon Latrobe U11 Scorpions. There’s not much I can say about this match that hasn’t been said in weeks past! The boys are really coming together as a team, with great game play, and utilising skills practiced in training. Harlem, Diego and TJ showed moments of absolute brilliance with their passing, and our backs kept up a strong defensive line. Ben’s goalkeeper training with Bryce is paying off tenfold and he showed some amazing skills to save a number of challenging shots on goal. We missed Theo who was out injured, but had the help again of super-sub Elis from the U10’s, who is a total powerhouse. Goals went to Noah, Harlem x2, Diego, Joel, TJ and his first goal of the season to Xavier.

Players of the Day went to Ben, Xavier and Vinny. There was also great refereeing from the young Westside ref and amazing support from the crew of Dingoes younger siblings, who are always very invested in the games!

Keep it up Dingoes!

U12 Blazers

The U12 Blazers went up against Narangba this week. The first half saw some intense exchanges as both teams fought for control.

Chloe’s effective play up front together with Piper’s powerful strike provided the breakthrough the Blazers needed, with Piper securing their first goal. Ema and Freya followed with two close attempts at goal, narrowly missing out on adding to the Blazers lead.

In the second half, the Blazers continued their relentless pursuit of victory. Piper and Sara maintained the pressure with successive attempts at goal. Throughout the game, Lily and Ruby showed impressive defensive organisation seamlessly transitioning into counter-attacks against Narangba.

Despite a valiant effort from Narangba, the Blazers emerged triumphant with a 1-0 win.

Player awards were given to Piper, Freya, and Lucy for their outstanding contributions on the field.

U13 Div 2 Boys

This would be the third time we faced the Gap this season, once in the grading games and earlier on away from home. We had secured 2 wins so far, 5 – 2 and 4 – 3 respectively. Given this and the fact the boys had gone 6 games unbeaten, there was plenty of confidence in the group. The previous outing away from home became unnecessarily difficult at the end of the match, we were 4 – 1 and cruising, letting in two late goals to ensure the parents’ nails remained trimmed. To give due credit, the Gap has a couple of stand out players. This was highlighted pre-match in the dressing room, the boys were instructed to ensure we have appropriate cover in defense to stop moments of individual skill costing us the game. Jonah was out sick for this one and Jack is recovering from a groin strain. As a result, Jack offered to go in goal for the entire match.

The first half was interesting, we were dominant in possession. In fact, throughout the course of the match the build up passing and off the ball movement was the best so far this season. For the most part the boys were confidently playing the ball forward or recirculating if there were no forward options available. The main issue was the positioning in the final third to finish off the opportunities. The Gap scored first after 10 mins, I guess it’s the coaches curse factor, as their no 8 (who had been singled out prior to the match as a threat), managed to get through a 1 v 3 situation to convert. The boys were told not to worry about it and to be fair it didn’t phase them at all.

The pressure was mostly one way, the Gap mounting a few counter attacks, but nothing too concerning. Flynn and Jett were dominating the wings as usual, at one point Flynn played a great square ball into Finn who had made a great run into the box. Finn nearly scored, the Gap’s goal-keeper read the move and came off his line to stop the shot. Eli was having a blinder, he forced 4 saves from their keeper in the first half! Jett hit the post following a great left-footed strike. We were unlucky not to have bagged a few.

Half time 1 – 0 down.

At halftime, the boys were told how well they were passing, moving and playing overall. Jon went through some simple final third patterns to help finish off the opportunities. The boys were told that the goals would come as long as they kept moving the ball well and improved the final third movements. The need for defensive cover was reiterated to prevent their no 8 and 12 scoring from another counterattack.

The boys started brightly in the second half and continued with their great passing and movement. Jakub and Jett, both left footed, alternated in playing left centre and left wing back roles during the second half. They both are performing consistently well, showing great strength on and off the ball. It took us 10 minutes to level up the score line following a great run from Jakub down the left wing, passing the ball into Eli who slotted it home from the edge of the box.

The momentum was clearly in our favour, and it was only a couple of minutes later that Eli put us in front with a screamer from distance. The boys continued to dominate, Finn had a couple of good runs as striker throughout the match and was really close to scoring on a couple of occasions. It turned out the 3rd goal came from a corner kick, Dex nodded it home. He really is a talent in the air, his third headed goal this season, not to mention numerous defensive headers carried out in every game.

The boys couldn’t make it easy for the parents though, with less than 10 mins on the clock the Gap scored. Their winger cut in from the left hand side winning the 1 v 1 and there was no cover in behind. A little frustrating considering we had worked specifically on closing off these types of opportunities in training. Jack was forced into making a few vital saves as well. The boys continued to push forward, and Jett slotted in a tap in following a great run and square ball from Eli. It was great to see the boys act on the halftime information and it was executed perfectly. The wing and forward players are starting to execute driven passes with great accuracy and power.

A very solid, confident win, especially considering they were down at halftime and given the attacking threat of some of the Gaps players. That’s 7 games unbeaten! Everyone is making positive steps forward.

Eli and Jakub took the Player of the Day awards, Eli’s 2 goals and 1 assist (he covered 6kms in the game), Jakub for his great work rate, defensive efforts and wing play leading to the 1st goal.

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