Miniroos (U6-U12)
All Under 6 to Under 12 players are called Miniroos. Games are played on a smaller field with fewer players per team than standard 11-aside football teams (i.e. 4v4 for U6/7s, 7v7 for U8/9s, 9v9 for U10-12s) and modified rules to promote inclusiveness, engagement and technical ability. Games in this competition are typically played on Saturday, either within a local hub or through Football Queensland coordinated matches. The Season typically commences on the first weekend of School Term 2 (mid-late) April, with 18 games played running until the end of School Term 3 (early September). There is a 2-3 week break for June/July School holidays, but sometimes these weeks can be utilised as catch-up games if there are weeks of wash-outs.
There are no competitive tables or points scoring for any Miniroos teams – participation, development and enjoyment are the key goals.
All girl teams and competitions are available from U8’s through to U12’s dependant on numbers. Girls can still play in mixed teams if they prefer.
U6/U7s – Interclub Hub
Teams comprise of mixed boys and girls, and where possible teams are formed based on friendship groups. There are 6-7 players in a team, with 4 players on the field and Coaches are typically parents. There are no goal-keepers in this age group. Games are played on a Saturday morning running for 45mins (2x 20min halves with a 5min half time break) against other Westside teams and teams from the local area – Samford, Dayboro and Pine Hills.
The Club looks to keep teams together from prior seasons and “play with friends” requests will be accommodated where possible. There are 9-10 players in a team, with 7 players on the field including a goalkeeper and Coaches are typically parents. Games are played on a Saturday morning running for 45mins (2x 20min halves with a 5min half time break) against teams from a wider catchment (usually less than 30min travel from Westside).
Grading (refer below) commences at this age group and teams are formed based on player ability. “Play with friends” requests can be accommodated in this age group, however the friends will be graded in a team equivalent to all players ability. There are 9-10 players in a team, with 7 players on the field including a goalkeeper and Coaches are typically parents. Games are played on a Saturday morning running for 45mins (2x 20min halves with a 5min half time break) against teams from a wider catchment (usually less than 30min travel from Westside).
Teams are graded when there is more than 1 team per age group. The Club looks to place players in the teams that best reflect their development stage and skill level. There are typically 12 players to a team, with 9 players on the field including a goalkeeper.
Teams play on a Saturday against teams from a wider catchment depending on the playing category (Kangaroo 1 or 2, Wallaby, Quokka). Games run for 55mins (2x 25min halves with a 5min half time break) with kick off times ranging from morning games to afternoon games dependent on the opposition Club and field availability.
Development Squads (Kangaroo Division)
The highest level in community football is Kangaroo Division. At Westside, trials are held pre-season for a place in our Development Squads. Training for these teams is twice a week with an expectation that players would like to further their skills and play a high level of football. Selection is decided by the junior coaching director and coaches of relevant age groups. Teams will be entered in this division depending on enrolment numbers and grading sessions.
Season Information 2025
- 18 Rounds of matches
- Nominations close 21st March following Club trials / Muster days
- Season officially commences 26th April
Training Nights
Most teams train for 1hr during the week, with some of the older teams training for 1.25-1.5hrs.
Refer to Westside Junior Training schedule for field allocations.
What is Grading?
It’s important that players play in teams and against players of similar ability where possible. Football Queensland’s Community competition structure is based on 3 development levels: Kangaroos, Wallabies and Quokkas, with Kangaroo being the highest level.
Trials are held to establish what level players should play in based on their development stage and skill level. These trials are conducted by our Football Directors and teams are formed based on this. As such is it harder to accommodate “play with friends” request.
Age Brackets for Football
In Queensland, football’s governing body (Football Queensland) sets the rules for player age groups. Children play in the age group associated with their year of birth.
1-Jan-2019 to 31-Dec-2019 = Under 6
1-Jan-2018 to 31-Dec-2018 = Under 7
1-Jan-2017 to 31-Dec-2017 = Under 8
1-Jan-2016 to 31-Dec-2016 = Under 9
1-Jan-2015 to 31-Dec-2015 = Under 10
1-Jan-2014 to 31-Dec-2014 = Under 11
1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2013 = Under 12
Children born in 2020 to 2022 can participate in the Miniroos Kick Off program that runs over 2 terms. See MKO 3-5 year Program for more information.

Latest News
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